Password issue/Forgot

Daniel’s Portal

Q: What should you do if you are locked out of Daniel’s Portal?


  1. Go to the Helpdesk and create a ticket under Store MIS/IT Issues.
  2. Select Stores-New Store Portal Log in Issues.
  3. Note the name and employee number of the person who cannot log in.
  4. Someone from IT will assist you.

Uown Portal

Q: What should you do if you are locked out of the Uown Portal?


  1. Call Uown at 877-544-4814 and they will help you.
  2. If you cannot get someone at that number, go to the Helpdesk and create a ticket under Store MIS/IT Issues.
  3. Select Stores-Other.
  4. Note that you are locked out of the Uown portal and have tried to contact Uown.

Progressive Portal

Q: What should you do if you are locked out of the Progressive Portal?


  1. Make sure you are using the most recent password.
  2. If you are still locked out, contact the credit department and they will help you get access to the Progressive portal.

UltiPro Timesheets/Learning

Q: What should you do if you are locked out of UltiPro?


  1. Call the Payroll Department at 310-665-2100, extension 5219 or 5216.


Q: What are some general tips to avoid being locked out?


  1. Multiple attempts with the wrong information will cause you to get locked out! Make sure you are typing in the correct information.
  2. On the Daniel’s and UltiPro Portal, use a password that you will not forget.
  3. Post the most recent Progressive password for everyone to see, as this changes every 90 days.